Club Info

This is the boring stuff of the club however we want to maintain transparency.

Mission Statement:

The Tesla GTA Club mission is to connect Tesla owners in a fun and meaningful way, while promoting sustainability.

Club Roles:

Leads: The leads of the club help direct the club to achieve its mission statement. This includes but not limited to creating events, in charge of club money (more on that below) and voting on issues.

Members: We aim to include members within the club direction and process. Want to host an event? Just contact us and we can help promote it. We want all members to feel welcomed and get value from being a part of the club and attending events.

Club Financials:

We will operate the club based on donations and sponsors. We do not hold any positive balance.

We will always be transparent with and where club money is used.

Official Club Status:

At this time we want to run the club unofficially. We want to grow and stick to our mission statement. However we will re-evaluate official club status in the future.